Well, finally practicals are over. Aww'' it would be sad not being able to return to our school's laboratory anymore. Ha Ha! Okay, Its now time for reflections on the practicals.
Thurs (21/10) - Chemistry. Alright, Iwas even more apprehensive than I am for my prelim practicals. I was reminding myself to rinse the burette and pipette with chemicals. Ha Ha which i did not do it during normal Chem practicals. In actual, nothing bad turned out that day. It was like what Mdm Zarinah had said 'do-able'.
Tues (26/10) - Physics. Ha Ha. When i entered the lab, "What?! circuit!" haha that was my first reaction. Bascially the circuit part was manageable. However, the method2, oh my gut! I did not know how to hang the mass and newton-meter on the retord stand! I was panickedLuckily, the examiner happened to 'keblakang bu-sing' (turn 180degrees) at my bench! wahahaa!! Guess what I did?! I looked left, looked right lah! Ha Ha! Sorry I admit I cheated. Heez. And thanks to Jianli. I was directly staring at his set-up. (He was sitting at 2 benches b4 me) Ha Ha! And I managed to set up the experiment. "Heng Ah!" I sweat! Ha Ha! I was really perspiring like hell. So in the end, luck was on my side. Thank God.
Thurs (28/10) - Biology. "wah seh, why is there a prawn?" exclaimed Jianli. Ha Ha, he said that when we were already in the lab. Anyway, I did not look at the bench when I entered, so I was surprised! I turned around and saw a raw prawn on every bench. Ha Ha, luckily we were just supposed to draw w/o labelling. O yeah, there was food test too. Mr Hafiz spotted it. Hence, we were all quite good at the testing part. The problem lies with the naming of the A,B,C,D. Okay, nothing much more surprising then the prawn happened that day. (Anyway, the past few yrs was handling rice grains, leaves, celeries, cucumbers and kiwi. No seafood before. So it was indeed something new.)
Well, that's all I've got to say for the practicals. I can't wait for Os to end!!! I need a BREAK badly!!! .zZz O yeah! Christopher Lee is OUT! mUhaahhaa!! Finally man! In fact, he should be out before David & Maia! Well, He wasn't that bad, but he sounded worse than David n Maia, that's why. Guess what! I'm falling in love with my pen, pencil, textbooks, tys, thickbook.. !! Ha Ha! Because I keep having this 'guilty' feeling once I let go of them. Ha Ha.. yeah, I'm feeling it right now. Nutz me. I'm weird. When my Mom asked me what I want for my dinner. I told her crocodile meat. Heez. Pig's leg will do too. Haa.. I'm going crazy~
*Reminder: If you want to see Wong Liling's baby, do tune in to Channel News Asia tomorrow at 8.30 p.m. on Here's looking you, Baby. =)
Sunday, October 31, 2004
Wednesday, October 27, 2004
stomach ache
Okay, I'm having sleepless nights and gastric aches this few days. What the hell went wrong? Well, I guess I'm stressed, that's why I couldn't sleep well. What about the butterflies in my stomach? Duhz.. Did it went in through my mouth when I was sleeping? Ha Ha. Alright, maybe I really should go for a check-up. I suspect I'm suffering from maybe stomach cancer, gastric ulcers or stomach infection? I get diahhoea very often and gastric pains. Its not as if I eating too much, not eating or eating unhygienic food. Last night I woke up in the middle of the night, and my stomach ached! Oh shit right! I hate to go toilet at night. Cockroaches & lizards come out at that time! So i endured and endured. In the end, zZZzZ! heez. Woke up this morning, shit a little. Still pain! Went toilet again, and shit a little again! haha! (sorry if you're eating while reading) What seh, painful and can't shit properly! And yesterday came home after Physics practical. I'm deadbeat. However, i forced myself to stay awake. Because I don't want to sleep in the afternoon and can't sleep at night! 0_O Staying awake. I was really sleepy at 6pm but i strived! haha. After studying and watching pi li huo, at around 12pm, I went to sleep. zzZzZ Cannot make it! I couldn't sleep! WHY!! I was supposed to be extremely exhausted, but I just couldn't fall asleep. I flipped and flopped till 1am++ then I became unconscious. heez. So sickening, I want to sleep and shit properly!!! arhhhH! Ha Ha! Alright, got to go buck up my Biology. Heez. =P Cya!
Sunday, October 24, 2004
Singapore Idol~
What the heck! Maia is out of the competition? Come'on this is a sucking Singapore Idol contest.. I lost my favourite David Yeo!!! and now its Maia!!! Guess what, next should most probably be Sylvester or Leandra!! Because its simply based on whose the richest and not whose the most talented! This is shit! Can the Christopher sings? No! Can Daphne sings? No! These two should be out before David and Maia!! Just because they are rich, they are still in! As for Taufiq, he performed much better this few weeks, furthermore he is handsome and has the looks for an idol. And Olinder, she does not really has the looks to be an idol but she can sing, and she sings pretty well. Anyway, she is rich. Leandra looked sick on this few weeks performances. She looked as if she's troubled. Thus made her singing goes from good to bad and bad to worse. In my opinion, Sylvester should win. He sings very well, he is likeable by all and he has what the rest of the contestants don't have, which is the X-factor. He just have to improve on his appearance and attire. Well, this Singapore Idol just pissed me off. Its unfair and injustice! Alright, no more comments. I just hope Sylvester will win.
Friday, October 22, 2004
Yeah! 'O's ending in roughly a month time! 19th Nov! Haha, I'm not counting down to the start of the examinations rather, I'm counting down to the END! mUhaha! The thought of ending my Secondary life is simply so cooooooool! I've been yearning for it for 2yrs! And its just going to end in a month time!! wooo weee!! This is great! However, come'on, have to tackle the exams first right. Awwww'''..
Looking forward to something really nice, good, brilliant will actually helps time to 'pass' faster. That's what I think though. A month??!! What the heck! I've been in this world for 16years 7months and 29days! haha! A month is nothing! Its gonna pass very quickly.. I hope. *grin
Alright, nothing much more interesting than Os.. Haha! Wish me luck ya? =)
Looking forward to something really nice, good, brilliant will actually helps time to 'pass' faster. That's what I think though. A month??!! What the heck! I've been in this world for 16years 7months and 29days! haha! A month is nothing! Its gonna pass very quickly.. I hope. *grin
Alright, nothing much more interesting than Os.. Haha! Wish me luck ya? =)
Sunday, October 17, 2004
Will we.. ?
Will we stay in-contact?
Will we meet again?
Will we remember each other?
Will we change?
Will we?
Will we meet again?
Will we remember each other?
Will we change?
Will we?
Saturday, October 16, 2004
He's the guy! (picture removed)
haha, well the picture looks a bit blur because the stupid village photo website. Hehe, he looks cute right? Hmm, this picture is taken in April. Now he looks even more charming. Do not think that he's kiddy, because HE'S A DOCTOR! Awww'''.. handsome cousin!
Alright, he's appearing in my mind time and again! That's it! I'm sick! Haha. Why do some people simply born to be so handsome??? My my my, they are like so rare gems okay! How I wish I can have one of them!! Haha! Nutz me! Now I'm thinking of going Poly and study Nursing. Then become a nurse and get close to him! Muhaha! ;) Anyway, I'm a First-Aider Okay! Haha. Awww'' my hormones are spoiling me~~~.. Haha!
haha, well the picture looks a bit blur because the stupid village photo website. Hehe, he looks cute right? Hmm, this picture is taken in April. Now he looks even more charming. Do not think that he's kiddy, because HE'S A DOCTOR! Awww'''.. handsome cousin!
Alright, he's appearing in my mind time and again! That's it! I'm sick! Haha. Why do some people simply born to be so handsome??? My my my, they are like so rare gems okay! How I wish I can have one of them!! Haha! Nutz me! Now I'm thinking of going Poly and study Nursing. Then become a nurse and get close to him! Muhaha! ;) Anyway, I'm a First-Aider Okay! Haha. Awww'' my hormones are spoiling me~~~.. Haha!
Friday, October 15, 2004
Today was tiring. I'm just back after sending off my cousin's grandfather's last route. I reached the void deck with my Mom at 11.30am. Very few people were there. All the relatives were wearing the proper attire. Soon, a group of people came. They are the band. They played oldies which were very nice. Anyway, the band cost $500. Then the monk came. All the relatives were to hold a joss stick and kneel down. My cousin (Xiong Jie - Pri4) was so funny! He held the two joss sticks with his two hands separately and played with the flame. Haha! He was kneeling down at first, then squat and then sit down totally. Hee! He kept smiling to me. Haha! So adorable.
I saw the handsome man. He's the cousin of my cousin. Haha, get it? I saw him a couple of times at my cousin's house. He looks a bit like Chong Boon. He is a doctor, surprising? Hee! He's around the age of 24+. Xiong Jie knew I like him and wanted to see him. So he brought him to where i stood and signal me with his eyebrows! Wah Seh, i was shy! Haha! He kept bullying this handsome cousin and joked me. However, he has a girlfriend (whatever!) haha. Whose a nurse. She was not there as she went to London to further her studies. She will be there for 5 years! Haha! Well, a lot of things can happen during that 5 years. *wiNk Haha! NutZ me!
Alright, the whole ritual was so grand. Lots of people were present. I was so excited to see such a grand funeral. They must have spent quite a sum of money.
I was at the 'Guan Ming Shan' - temple. That's where my Kor Po's (great grand aunt) ashes are. When i reached there, i felt a great sense of belonging. Well, its not that I been there for thousand times, but I felt as if my Kor Po is there. And I'm there to see her. I ran to the gate and shouted for my Kor Po. I told her I'm taking my exams soon and may her wishes me goodluck. *almost weep
Alright, then the body was pushed inside the 'burner'. It was such a quick process. Soon the door of the 'burner' closed. And that's it! So fast! I was shocked. I thought it would be like at the Aljunied - where there will be a few ritual and the body will move in through the curtain and then move slowly into the 'burner' (which I will definitely cry). It's was quite heartbreaking to see that. Is that where life ends?
Okay, I'll stop here. Watching Singapore Idol soon. Anyway, Jerry or Christ should be out!
I saw the handsome man. He's the cousin of my cousin. Haha, get it? I saw him a couple of times at my cousin's house. He looks a bit like Chong Boon. He is a doctor, surprising? Hee! He's around the age of 24+. Xiong Jie knew I like him and wanted to see him. So he brought him to where i stood and signal me with his eyebrows! Wah Seh, i was shy! Haha! He kept bullying this handsome cousin and joked me. However, he has a girlfriend (whatever!) haha. Whose a nurse. She was not there as she went to London to further her studies. She will be there for 5 years! Haha! Well, a lot of things can happen during that 5 years. *wiNk Haha! NutZ me!
Alright, the whole ritual was so grand. Lots of people were present. I was so excited to see such a grand funeral. They must have spent quite a sum of money.
I was at the 'Guan Ming Shan' - temple. That's where my Kor Po's (great grand aunt) ashes are. When i reached there, i felt a great sense of belonging. Well, its not that I been there for thousand times, but I felt as if my Kor Po is there. And I'm there to see her. I ran to the gate and shouted for my Kor Po. I told her I'm taking my exams soon and may her wishes me goodluck. *almost weep
Alright, then the body was pushed inside the 'burner'. It was such a quick process. Soon the door of the 'burner' closed. And that's it! So fast! I was shocked. I thought it would be like at the Aljunied - where there will be a few ritual and the body will move in through the curtain and then move slowly into the 'burner' (which I will definitely cry). It's was quite heartbreaking to see that. Is that where life ends?
Okay, I'll stop here. Watching Singapore Idol soon. Anyway, Jerry or Christ should be out!
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
alone at home..
When I was walking to my house, I was splashed by a Indian man who was washing the floor. He smiled at me. Well, i smiled back. I was alone at home. I checked time and again to comfirm if I have locked the gate and door. I made sure I put the keys back into my bag. I called my Mom and she said she would not be back so soon.
I went to bathe. Halfway through, someone was knocking on the door outside. I was petrified. "Who can that be?" I thought. I dried myself and called my Mom. She told me that it might be some salesmen. I bathed quickly and when I was about to leave the room, I saw the Indian man outside my house. I went back into the toilet. I was trying to hide. I came out only when he left.
I went to check the gate and door once again. They were properly, safely locked. I put my keys and handphone in my pocket.
Soon, i felt dead-beat. I thought that resting awhile should be okay. I rested, and fallen asleep unknowingly. When i woke up, my Dad was home. Then, i realised i was just being overly suspicious.
I went to bathe. Halfway through, someone was knocking on the door outside. I was petrified. "Who can that be?" I thought. I dried myself and called my Mom. She told me that it might be some salesmen. I bathed quickly and when I was about to leave the room, I saw the Indian man outside my house. I went back into the toilet. I was trying to hide. I came out only when he left.
I went to check the gate and door once again. They were properly, safely locked. I put my keys and handphone in my pocket.
Soon, i felt dead-beat. I thought that resting awhile should be okay. I rested, and fallen asleep unknowingly. When i woke up, my Dad was home. Then, i realised i was just being overly suspicious.
Sunday, October 10, 2004
Well, last Sat and yEsterday we were celebrating my cousin's 21st birthday. Last Sat was held at his house. At the Melview Park. It was meant for relatives only. Yesterday was held at Safra Resort. Its a chalet mainly for his friends. Of coz, relatives were also invited. Haha.
It was my first time to Safra Resort. The chalet is huge. 2 storeys and the living room is big! I played bowling, pool and arcade. The bowling only cost $2.80 per game! and the pool is $2.00! Cheap right! The whole event was suppose to be fun and enjoyable since its my cousin's 21st birthday and its also a family gathering. However, i did not enjoy it. Esp yesterday.
I was harassed by a spoilt-brad! She was following me WHENEVER WHEREEVER I GO! Its SICK OK! She's Pri2 but is so kiddy and childish! I hate to go to places where there is someone whom i hate! It bloody sickening! Imagine a sticky tape sticking onto ur skin for the whole day! I even tested her! I walked to the door, she followed! I walked to the kitchen, she followed! Wad e hack! Am i that sweet? i thought! I couldnt stand her! I hate her! I loathe her!
And guess wad! Her MOTHER!! I'm lousy at playing bowling. So?!!?! Must you make so much noise about it! Still teach me how to play.. " its push not throw.. bend down.. use more strength.." I was so furious that i walked away wearing socks only! sickening! Wad e hack! Still ask me to take napkims for her WHILE SHE WAS PLAYING MAHJONG!
See! In e end, i only hates children more & more..
It was my first time to Safra Resort. The chalet is huge. 2 storeys and the living room is big! I played bowling, pool and arcade. The bowling only cost $2.80 per game! and the pool is $2.00! Cheap right! The whole event was suppose to be fun and enjoyable since its my cousin's 21st birthday and its also a family gathering. However, i did not enjoy it. Esp yesterday.
I was harassed by a spoilt-brad! She was following me WHENEVER WHEREEVER I GO! Its SICK OK! She's Pri2 but is so kiddy and childish! I hate to go to places where there is someone whom i hate! It bloody sickening! Imagine a sticky tape sticking onto ur skin for the whole day! I even tested her! I walked to the door, she followed! I walked to the kitchen, she followed! Wad e hack! Am i that sweet? i thought! I couldnt stand her! I hate her! I loathe her!
And guess wad! Her MOTHER!! I'm lousy at playing bowling. So?!!?! Must you make so much noise about it! Still teach me how to play.. " its push not throw.. bend down.. use more strength.." I was so furious that i walked away wearing socks only! sickening! Wad e hack! Still ask me to take napkims for her WHILE SHE WAS PLAYING MAHJONG!
See! In e end, i only hates children more & more..
Thursday, October 07, 2004
Well, guess wad i found on the washing machine! Malboro (spelling err) Red! wOo.. The cover has a picture of a set of teeth and it is horrible. The teeth is yellow, broken and have some mucus looking thing stuck onto it. Smoking will cause mouth disease. haha! Hmm.. the Malboro Red belongs to my sis's friend (boyfriend of my sis's another friend). He came up to my house to use the toilet awhile ago. haha! My sis always have friends who come up to our house to use the toilet ONLY. Its fine to me, just find it funny. They then went down to the void deck, to chit-chat of course!
Upon finding the cigar, i called my sis. She told me to throw that down from the kitchen's window. HaHa! So i just went and threw it down. The guy was there to pick it up. It was hilarous. Well, fun i should say.
Upon finding the cigar, i called my sis. She told me to throw that down from the kitchen's window. HaHa! So i just went and threw it down. The guy was there to pick it up. It was hilarous. Well, fun i should say.
Saturday, October 02, 2004
lab closing..
hEyz.. juz went to the new KBOX karaoke at pavillian 2nd level on Wednesday.. muhahaa! no sch mahx.. prelims juz finished. phew~ anyway, it was shoick! Angela hweeChin n me dont have to go all the way to Orchard cineleisure or Hougang juz to sing.. haha.. exellent!
5hrs for $15.. heez.. we go until expert le manx! keep asking for the snacks.. heez.. oh.. and we met this guy who serve us.. he and ah Ben (channelU artiste) look very alike!!! my goodness.. then we keep laughing n laughing.. haha! and of coz keep calling him ah Ben.. haha! kind of cute too! =)
Hweechin.. oh my gut.. She accidentally touched the 'ah Ben's' finger.. and guess wad she said! "wah.. that moment was so warm." muhahaha!!! soooo digusting ah.. haha! Actually coz we were very cold inside the room.. hence when they happen to 'touch' wahha.. chin felt the warm from him.. hahaha!! mushy sehx.. heez..
Sch is getting bad to worse.. For the next two weeks.. we will be having common test every day on different subjects!!! my goodness.. isnt that great?! ... ... Well, yesterday Mr Hafiz spent an hour talking to us.. mostly about exam stuffs and kind of motivate us.. hmm.. i find him so sincere & nice. We shouldnt be afraid of him.. he is a gd teacher. Just dont disappoint him (which i think i'll) =)
Thinking of JC and Poly is driving me mad. I got no idea which school which course interest me & that seems to freak me out. I guess i'll just wait and see.
Watch?! very good. I'm so eager to buy the SWATCH watch now!!! However, I'm short of cash. Furthermore, I have to get ready the $55 for Graduation night. How?? Any nice guy want to sponsor me? muhahaa =x And now I'm thinking of cancelling my Hp line and sell my Hp. I find it useless. I dont like to sms, i dont like to talk on phone and i hardly go out. So why am i holding on to a hp? Wasting $30 every month. After calculating, its approximately $360 a year. I could just help my family to save that sum of money. What do you think? Anyone wants to buy Samsung X430 at $250 heez. Contact me. =) Its in perfect condition. I've used it for 2months or less only.
Do you watch 'Pi Li Huo' every Tue-Thurs ChannelU 10.45pm - 11.45pm? Well, i just started watching. Oh man.. i love Liu Wen Cong!!! He is so romantic although he was a extremely bad guy last time - heard from other ppl coz i didnt watch the part where he killed people) He is now taking care of his wife whom is fully paralysed after Jiang Shi (bad guy) shot her during their wedding. Oh.. and the most touching part is, he held Yong Hui's (wife) hands and said "i'll hold your hands till the end" while him crying!! my gut, its is so sweet~~ He cried ok! so touching. awww'' haha.
Oyah, today we had Chemistry and Physics lessons. I was in the lab and was thinking that time really flies. This will be the last time sitting in the lab as the lab will be closed from next week to prepare for O level practical. I had a weird feeling, though i still have 2months before leaving sch, i felt kind of sad to leave. I wouldnt have any more chance to sit with Fatmah in Chem lab and do the titration together.. take 4 distilled water bottles! muhaha! I wouldnt have any more chance to sit with Kenneth in Phy lab and discuss about magics, charms, fortune, ghosts & lots of other stuffs while Mdm Lim was teaching. heez. Thats why i really treasured today's lessons in the lab and had talk and do the stuffs with my partners. We really had a great time for these past 2yrs. =) emotional~~~ aww''' heez.
Alright, i believe we'll still be friends after graduating from tPsS. Best of lUck to everyonE for your Os! We've made it so far, and its time to shOw oUr talEnt, iSnt it? =)
5hrs for $15.. heez.. we go until expert le manx! keep asking for the snacks.. heez.. oh.. and we met this guy who serve us.. he and ah Ben (channelU artiste) look very alike!!! my goodness.. then we keep laughing n laughing.. haha! and of coz keep calling him ah Ben.. haha! kind of cute too! =)
Hweechin.. oh my gut.. She accidentally touched the 'ah Ben's' finger.. and guess wad she said! "wah.. that moment was so warm." muhahaha!!! soooo digusting ah.. haha! Actually coz we were very cold inside the room.. hence when they happen to 'touch' wahha.. chin felt the warm from him.. hahaha!! mushy sehx.. heez..
Sch is getting bad to worse.. For the next two weeks.. we will be having common test every day on different subjects!!! my goodness.. isnt that great?! ... ... Well, yesterday Mr Hafiz spent an hour talking to us.. mostly about exam stuffs and kind of motivate us.. hmm.. i find him so sincere & nice. We shouldnt be afraid of him.. he is a gd teacher. Just dont disappoint him (which i think i'll) =)
Thinking of JC and Poly is driving me mad. I got no idea which school which course interest me & that seems to freak me out. I guess i'll just wait and see.
Watch?! very good. I'm so eager to buy the SWATCH watch now!!! However, I'm short of cash. Furthermore, I have to get ready the $55 for Graduation night. How?? Any nice guy want to sponsor me? muhahaa =x And now I'm thinking of cancelling my Hp line and sell my Hp. I find it useless. I dont like to sms, i dont like to talk on phone and i hardly go out. So why am i holding on to a hp? Wasting $30 every month. After calculating, its approximately $360 a year. I could just help my family to save that sum of money. What do you think? Anyone wants to buy Samsung X430 at $250 heez. Contact me. =) Its in perfect condition. I've used it for 2months or less only.
Do you watch 'Pi Li Huo' every Tue-Thurs ChannelU 10.45pm - 11.45pm? Well, i just started watching. Oh man.. i love Liu Wen Cong!!! He is so romantic although he was a extremely bad guy last time - heard from other ppl coz i didnt watch the part where he killed people) He is now taking care of his wife whom is fully paralysed after Jiang Shi (bad guy) shot her during their wedding. Oh.. and the most touching part is, he held Yong Hui's (wife) hands and said "i'll hold your hands till the end" while him crying!! my gut, its is so sweet~~ He cried ok! so touching. awww'' haha.
Oyah, today we had Chemistry and Physics lessons. I was in the lab and was thinking that time really flies. This will be the last time sitting in the lab as the lab will be closed from next week to prepare for O level practical. I had a weird feeling, though i still have 2months before leaving sch, i felt kind of sad to leave. I wouldnt have any more chance to sit with Fatmah in Chem lab and do the titration together.. take 4 distilled water bottles! muhaha! I wouldnt have any more chance to sit with Kenneth in Phy lab and discuss about magics, charms, fortune, ghosts & lots of other stuffs while Mdm Lim was teaching. heez. Thats why i really treasured today's lessons in the lab and had talk and do the stuffs with my partners. We really had a great time for these past 2yrs. =) emotional~~~ aww''' heez.
Alright, i believe we'll still be friends after graduating from tPsS. Best of lUck to everyonE for your Os! We've made it so far, and its time to shOw oUr talEnt, iSnt it? =)
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what's right or wrong
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a wish not to happen. just how much do you know. about feeling miserable. when the comfort no longer there,
it felt so real. for the first time after so long. the signs were real, the feelings were real. the kisses were real. was it the right thing...