woke up at 5am to travel to van's house!!
angela hweechin me moved discretely to her front door, waiting for her to open the door.
damn! she's late! so anyway, we waited. quietly and anxiously. the moment she steps out of her gate, HAPPYBIRTHDAY VANESSA! hahaa!
she's shock! real shock! and ta-dah!! we present her the mudcake-muffin-looking birthday cake! wohoo! the whole experience was awesome! we rated it an eight star (out of 10) birthday surprise! hahaa!

This is the birthday cake! home-made by angela and hweechin! its a totally chocolatey fudge cake! its their first time, and i thought its good! can you see the words above?! haha! its their creative idea, using m&m chocolate to spell out 'HAPPY B'DAY VAN'. they got no space for a 'P', that's why a P is some sort of flying above! hahaa!!
they're now considering to work on other cakes such as cheeze cake, fruit cakes etc.. am i having one next year? hee!!
oh! i didnt join them for the cake making. so i made a powerpoint slide show for her! i guess its super touching larh! i could feel emotions running through me as i put all the pictures up! with music some more! its full of our memories, i hope she'll like it! so after all the DIY, we only manage to sleep at 1am..

We tried to cut the cake out but its just too hard! so see, our hands trying to DIG a piece for van!

Erm, u got to turn your head upside down to see this pic! yea. its taken using hweechin's hp. not too bad larh. we had a great laugh over the timer! damn! we got cheated by her phone!
then, van need to rush to katong for her service. and its just 8am. so wad angela chin n me did was.. to sit at the bus stop and chit chat! (or bitch, or gossip u call it) haha! marvelous! can u believe it! we chatted for 2 long hours until it was 10am and we took bus 34 to IKEA!
champ! i guess we just love each other's company dont we? hahaa! its angela's first time there, so i sort of like bring her around! and the worse thing is, she had an idea of playing hide-and-seek there!! damn it!! both of them tricked me! omg! then when there's chance, we tricked chin too!! haa. we're really mad. and so, angela doesnt dare to leave at least 3 steps away from us! hahaa. afraid dat we're doing the same to her. well, she'll have her time! muhahaaa.. revenge!
so, excited we are, took pics, ate swedish meatballs, hotdog bread, roamed around the megastore, went over to courts too, and waited patiently for the free shutter bus! tts silly! could've taken a cab instead since there's 3 of us.
alright! we've a spendid christmas eve huh. excited for christmas celeb tmr with my extended fam! MERRY CHRISTMAS people!
love ya!