woke up with my left palm aching like hell! not sure what went wrong. i pressed onto it unknowingly?? morning was horrid though. got no electricity!!! becoz the govt is changing our powermeter!! so electricity cuts from 9am to 5pm!! so sucky.
went to sch for chem makeup at 12pm. was quite lost throughout the lesson. haha. slow? yeah! totally man!! need to clarify with charis and jasper to repeat. haha..
then after chem, charis, zhengyi, teresa, ali, xtina, jasp and me went S11 for lunch. oh man.. the other guys are just sooo... disappointing. shall not elaborate!
anyway, charis, zhengyi, jasp and me were so engrossed in our discussion!! hahaa.. for our class bbq!! yipee!! we got everythg prepared. i mean the planning part. sounds really great!!! haha. guys, lets jus wait for our invitation mail from jasp. =)
ok. then some of them left for home. jasp n me went to TM to look for our gang! hahaa. this is the fun part!!! jasp n me (TPJ cum TPSS) met up with angela, brandon, hongsheng, ivy (MJ cum TPSS), michelle, rina (MJ)!! hahaa.. quite a mix right.. its was quite embarrassing at first. then slowly mixed ard. and worse still, michelle's ex-classmate is jasp n my classmate now!! (tjong)!! hahahaa.. small small world.. so we decided to all take neoprints together!!! haha!! this is so exciting!! its my 2nd time taking! =x hee. angela's 1st ok! hahaha.. both of us like so blurr larh. and looked damn fasinated when her frens were decorating the pics! LOL!
the mixing was great! fun to meet new frens! hee. and of coz to meet up with the old ones. =) enjoy the pics.. MJ+TPJ

after spending quite some time at the photo shop, angela n me left for ntuc and shop&save! haha. guess wad man!.. opps shall not disclose much. we're shopping for hweechin's present! hee. jus in case anyone forgets her bday. its on the 15th! =P
and then angela brought the "things" tt we bought into the toilet to separate them. so that we can both get half of them back home and ...... (secret)! hahahaa..
a satisfying day!