hEy, well, juz now went to sch for SS n Eng test.. hmm.. it was easy?? haha.. coz i finished very fast.. but dont know lohx.. hehez... aftEr tt, we had a talk with vanessa.. there's Angela, HweeChin, Joanna, Grace, Fatmah, Vanessa n me.. this talk was suppose to perhaps clarify all the misunderstandings n unhappiness between us n van.. Hmm.. at1st.. all our us seem to hav the 'dont wana talk' face.. haha! coz we had already repeated wad we wana say to 3 ppl.. so kinda sianx!! not again!! haha.. well, of coz, im the 1st to speak.. n i push the thg to grace.. haha! i asked her to talk abt it 1st.. heez.. den i did told her abt wad i dislike abt her too.. maybe some i hav 4gotten.. hmm.. the problem simply lies with her 'tea'.. haha! tts wad angela n me came up with.. well, it means tone, expression and attitude.. from that talk.. hopefully reali made her know why we dislike her so much.. i believe that we r right.. becoz most of us hav the same view xcept her.. hmm.. becoz we dont 'click'?? well, i agree that diff. ppl hav diff. views.. and of coz diff. ppl do diff. thgs on diff. situations.. but if we r reali close frenz.. gd frenz.. we should be doing the same thing.. Finally we talk it all.. i believe now we see each other will still say 'hi' bah.. not lk recently is act nve see.. haha! the atmosphere should b better le.. After talking at the sch opp. kopi tiam, we went shopping xcept van, grace n fat.. van went home, i believe she felt weird with us bah.. hmm.. we shop shop shop for quite a while n went home..
At home, i helped my sis with her blog.. stupid ah her.. use sooo damn long le the blog still so ugly.. n she dont know a lot of thgs.. after tt.. went to watch movie with my sis n my sis frenz, Juana. We went to watch 'sisters' the thail horror movie.. well, it was stupid too.. weird ending.. i dont understd the story.. n the ghost is lk the same as previous ghosts shown in movies.. i wasted money manx.. coz i spent most of the time closing my eyes or holding up the cracker to cover the screen. heez.. oh yahx, we each bought a big cracker in the movie secretly.. so tts our dinner.. n i hav a very big Qs abt ghosts.. WHY R THEY ALWAYS CRAWLING ON THE FLOOR??? haha.. i thought ghosts float??? fly??? why crawl??! sad leh.. heez.. dont understd.. stupid show anyway, ppl dont watch it!
After the movie.. i waited for my sis more den an hr!!! she went shopping.. went nokia care.. my goodness.. i was damn bored!! she dont even allow me to go off 1st.. duhz!!! den i call hweechin i talked to her.. for also ard an hr.. haha! thanks for her.. if not.. im lk my sis's maid ah! follow her n wait for her! bloody hell.. n of coz .. i wasnt happi when i reached hm.. i complaint to my parents.. n told them my lesson learnt for the day, NEVER GO OUT WITH UR SIS! or maybe.. MY SIS!..
HmmM.. well, den she used the comp until dont know until wad time to learn more abt blog.. n boom~ now her blog is nicer den mine.. bloody hell!!! i taught her wan leh... arggGG! i muz go recreate mine again ah.. haha! okiex, tts all i wana say.. gdnitE!
Sunday, July 11, 2004
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what's right or wrong
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