angela, hweechin, joanna (includes van and grace but did not turn up) came over my house @ 7pm yesterday! its a bday surprise! hahaa. i was more of shocked! they organised on fri and contacted my mother. so yesterday she actually cooks mee hoon and curry (which she seldom does)!! even that, seriously i didnt suspect a thing!! and my dad came home w/o a cake. (he usually buys one for our bday) haha! so i thought he might ask me if i want.. but he didnt.. and i was thinking "hmm.. nvemind larh, luckily i bought myself a small tiramisu ($3.20)! haha"
oh man.. and right before they 'appear', my sis shouted "hey! who's coming to celeb ur bday?" i was confused. "nobody wad! who who" then they kept quiet....... and minutes later, a missed call! so i called bak hweechin. "oh.. no larh.. im on my way to get sumthg from fren mah.. so call u lorh.." (wad a lie!!) hahaa.. then after awhile, BOOO! they're heard (they are loud people!) hahaa! and my heart dropped out! haha "haiyo.. haiyo..." i went.. =x
thanks guy! i really got tricked!! nice one!!
then took pics of the cake that they've bought, with mine!! haha!

oh yarh, when i was making wishes, the happy birthday words got burnt!! hahaa! wad da.. well, of course i kept that!
Alright, then took pics with them.. my cliques!
oh, just checked a mail and saw an email bday card sent by ms leo!! oh man.. she's so sweet!!! sent me sms bday wishes too!!! actually this is all that i expect for this yr's bday. (some msges, smses) haha so unlike me! somethings wrong..
oh, and the sat gathering is fake!!! wad da... im still looking forward to it! hahaa.. but in the end i insist i want it larh! muhaha.. yea! go k box!! yearning to sing..
Thanks everyone for wad u've done!