yup! a one-day job at shenton way!
gave a total of 3000roses today!!
just look at us! carrying 60 stalks of roses and advertise to ladies, our target audience.
sometimes i just cant stand some women! u see, its pretty obvious that we're choosing who we want to give the roses to.
but some try all ways to get your attention and expect u to give them one.
honestly, none of us wants to reject anyone. but it is our job to ensure our msg gets to the correct people. isnt that's part of a promoter's job!
we have women who
1) shouted "WAH! SO MANY ROSES LEH!" - to get your attention, so as to give one to them each.
2) shouted "SEE! they dont want to give me." - same motive!
3) upon giving one rose, she says "can i have the other one instead? its less bloom." - picky!
4) deliberately walk between you and ur friend. - hello! u want one right!
5) ..
ahh.. theres just too many!! do you dare to ask for something from a promoter who didnt approach you?
well. actually, the best part is getting to know kenny, richard and pauline! new friends from tpjc! haa. late better than never! they're nice! and sure made me enjoy this casual work!
having 2more sessions this week! and im officially unemployed again! damn!
wish me luck ba!