however, theres always flaws. the charcoal bought was terrible! the fire couldnt grow at all. jasper, junlong, zy and i were "saving" the fire again & again. then we took loads of pictures with gina's & jasp's cam. this time, quantity of food is perfect but not tt of utencils like forks & spoons. haha. a few of us brought from home and ended up with lots of them! so poor zhengyi was told to bring home a lot. hee.
seriously, dont know why i was rather bored during the middle of bbq-ing. wasnt in the high mood. but slowly, as we take pictures together, i get more excited. ate little of bbq food but lots of meehoon cooked by charis mum. haha. becoz charis kept saying "eat lah, leeling. eat. just eat. nevermind." hahahaa. its was nice!
lata @ nite, jasp, ken, bang, cherr, charis & me went for midnite movie @ TM GV! woohoo! first time for charis & me. we were so excited! guess wad! $8 only leh! discount!! hahaha! we watched zorro. oh man. this is the movie where i see ppl (ken) listen to mp3 & yawning while watching!! hahaha!! i admit i yawned too! worse till, i was think "when will da movie end?!?!" hahaa! good experience though.
after movie, went mac to see ppl mugging. hahaa. we slacked thr awhile den left for 7-11. coz jasp lead da wrong way. in da end, brought them to somewhr near my hse. yea. so charis, cherr & jasp came up my hse. got locked outside. waited for sis to open the door. then we chatted!! sensitive topics. hahaa. slowly cherr fell asleep on my bed! hahaa! then left the 3 of us.
when the morning sun arises, jasp left first. then my dad sent cherr & charis hm.
slept @ 810am. cool~ latest timing man!! didnt even achieve tt during camps! hahaa.
ok, enjoy these pics..


the helix!!

my gang!! (missed out teresa)

gina (SKSS) & me(TPSS)!! satay's da best! =P

jasper & me!! the TAMPINESIANS! =)