well. im mad. im still furious. even the moment i think of her. yes, right now.
but i always believe that, if i get angry with you, that means i loved you before. obviously, love here is for a friend. yah. becoz if i had never loved you. i wouldnt be bothered even if you disappear frm this earth. therefore, my anger is painful.
the journey to tat kee tailor is awesome! haha. the whole place is full of factories! within minutes, we found the block. but up the stairs to 3rd floor was scary! haha. it just looks like some place where ppl got kidnap! or even rape! my kids faces turned the moment we reached the doorstep. luckily, i saw an auntie inside. "Auntie! zhe li you mai st john uniform mah?" (Auntie, do you sell st john uniform here?" I shouted to reassure myself before i walked in. haha. the auntie turned out to be very nice n friendly. got us into the office and get uniforms for us! phew. like the chinese words go 'you jing wu xian' (got shocked but were not harmed). hee. good experience though. get least i got my job done! =P
anyway, lately im so engrossed in this taiwanese celebrity ming dao!! the mao xian wang (adventurer)! not really engross, just find him so charming!! haha. incase u dont know who he is becoz u never watch the frog prince show on chnU..

Its him! ooo.. so MAN!

and him! so MUSCULAR!

hey! he looks so handsome in this pic right? its not mingdao! its the 'dawei' in the frog prince show! i found this pic and think he looks so different. haha.
haha. okok. just for entertainment. =)