and yea. im back! but im not going to elaborate a lot on the past weeksss. i generalised it with "i've enjoyed it!".
first: i went overseas for a week! yea baby. that's like my first time in 19years taking a plane! soo excited and nerve-cracking for me. hee.

the plane left the "clean"and green singapore and brought me to a paradise.

second: i came back from holiday and i bang straight into nus arts camp! yo yo wasup yo! that was the coolest camp i've ever been! the ogls, the house leaders, the freshies are all so high!! well, of cause, your truly, can live w/o food and water but not w/o sleep!! so i was freaking tired and irritated (i admit) when they delayed my bedtime. hee!

alright. then after holiday and camp, its back to reality. i was turned from a princess back into a frog! hahaa.
its work and stjohn once again. work has been fine. luck was with me and i managed to make quite some deals. thank god.
but stjohn was (and it still is) on the other extreme. i had many unresolved, open-ended cases to clear. ugh. ah. that's sick.
and recently ive just found out that leslie has quit! its an unexpected tragedy. well, tpsjab has definitely loss someone who is willing to bulwark it whenever its in need. after all, i've worked with him and i think its quite a pity. anyway, goodluck to his future endeavours. we're still young and fresh, and are definitely capable of venturing into something new! (i really think so, and its making me follow suit! shit!)
so back to tpsjab. it has been really hard on grace to cover everything as a successor of leslie. i really hope she has gained enough experiences from him and is able to hold the corps together still. (in fact, it seems like i've drifted real far)
well. come to think, i am indeed immensely exceptionally extremely truly greatly lucky blessed fortunate to miss my grade6 officer rank twice!! don't smell any sarcasm because i really find it a blessing in disguise!! look at all the work that an officer has to take! omg. my responsibilities would definitely have been greater if i was promoted! im becoming really reluctant to even touch sj stuffs! furthermore, look at all the faces that officers have to bear. omg. im an unassuming person. (haha i think so) hence, sometimes, acting can be really tiring. and its absolutely a downright hypocrite to act in sj! (i can see many ppl are/at least were still like that though) oh yarh! and after two years of my failed attempts to become an officer, many seniors have come to realise how "capable" the others whom they chose to pass are. like what i've always say, it is not possible to accurately determine someone without truly comprehending him. yea. thats roughly wad sj was all about for me.
hahaa. good times never last. bad times won't either! ;) its another month to university life!! im staying in hostel! so anyone gotten their hostel too?
nus, here i come! =D