finally. i've reached a point where my rank can no longer bring me further in snco. served snco for consecutive 3 yrs have allowed me to learn a lot from this whole experience. 1st yr in the advisory wing, 2nd in training and 3rd yr in support.
well. i wouldnt say i didnt get promoted for these 3yrs. rather, trying out in 3 very different departments have trained me to be more skillful in them. one disappointment would be that i havent try out my dreamed dept i.e. admin. to sit beside handsome officer and be his secretary! hahaa!! dream on!
when the whole world is emerging and movin forward, while u refuse to, no matter wad reason u have, one day, u'll realise its time-up for you. im pretty much at this situation already. i honestly dont mind my juniors to advance before me. im refering to those deserving ones. But of course, undeserving cadets get their rank as well. i hate it when the meaning behind the rank gets degraded; tarnished; ruined because of those black sheeps. that gives me no reason to follow suit.
however, honestly, daddy's words have shakened my stand. what he said is true. but i just cant make myself agree to another round of mental torture. whats all these for? i asked and nobody can answer.
for this yr's snco, as a greenhorn in support, i felt like an adjunct. For logistic, i admit i didnt do any thing more than rushing the kids for bunk arrangement. i even laughed when i saw the log list that says 'stapler - 1 marbles - 20 etc'! who the hell needs stapler and couldnt bring it himself? hahaa! until now i cant figure that out. we are required to count every items after they're returned. so for me ofcourse, i laughed while my nco count the 20 marbles! its ridiculous i thought!
so, apart from support, went to help out with training, as the station master for their mission, and as casualty 4times for triage! see! thats how i became useful i guess.
oh. not forgetting im called the toilet paper incharge, hor ma'am chuiyee? haha. well i admit that. its my responsibility to ensure all female toilets have sufficient toiletpaper to use. hahaa. pretty easy job larh. so thats wad i do for log, nothing great though.
only when i put myself in support, i realised the whole camp tends to neglect support and admin dept the most!! even though we're not the ops, the people u see often, we're the ones building the base for the camp! without our assistance, i believe the camp is not going to run smoothly. never forget the kindness of the support members!
lastly, i just cant seem to escape the fate of meeting people i really dislike in camp. as much as im concerned, seeing their faces in my premises (tpss) just disgust me. needless to say, the rank on their shoulders. so people, consider carefully who to send for promotions. dont be the one who mess up the whole ranking system. whatever it is, we're all volunteers for this camp! why say things to make others feel uncomfortable right. snco should be renamed as senior nco learning course.
the best part behind camps is to see my own cadets grow. well. they may not have performed to my expectations. but i strongly believe that they have grown and matured in many ways. the trainers who are trained by me as well. im really pleased with their involvement and commitment to their diff areas. the whole experience would have been a great one for them to forever remembering it.
of course, another best part is the people u meet and love in camps! im really pleased ( and i believe angela and van too) that we've known many trainers from diff corps. knowing them and having them as friends enhances the joy and happiness you'll have in camp! in stjohn! they have also become a reason why ive decided to assist in this yr's camp. in every ways, they made me enjoy the camp! im really proud to know u guys. so i shall announced it here, chuiyee! huiying! william! thanks for leading me through. =)
pics will come soon..
Thursday, December 21, 2006
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