ibg07/08 has come to an end. rather upsetting!
cause i enjoy sports! participated in badminton, volley, handball! wanted to play softball, hockey, road relay and swimming actually. but because it was weekend phantom for me.. hee!
last thursday, chin bunked into my room! haa. gave her a little little taste of hall experience. hope she enjoyed, albeit some awkwardness. hall is getting more and more interesting as days go by. we just had stj (seniors treat juniors) where seniors prepare dinner and performances for juniors. and of course, ponding (where they pour water over you and add some foam (i.e. facial/shampoo/handsoap/soap/wadeva at their reach) its a traditional way of welcoming juniors into blk c. never realised wetting people can be that fun. haa. was rather high after that. lets pond more k! ;)
and yea. the ever enticpated buaya week is approaching! next thursday! yea. hopefully its gona be fun for me!!! xP
brought chin to my fav. blkc rooftop.
last sat. went minds cafe! finally! haa. met up with cpf mates! so nice to see them again! of course, it was the time for hb to prove me that board games arent bored after all! hahaa. but unfortunately, im not a board game person. guess i better keep to my boggle, scrabble, monopoly. =) but the game 'ugly doll' is fun larh! try it if ure going there!