wads best was postprom activity! we didnt go dxo of coz, rather a couple of kbox-ers went cineleisure for our nightsinging! wohoo!! it happened to b da 20th/40th anniversary for kbox and there's 40%discount!!! so surprised! hee!
and confirmed, those ppl are amazed with my singing skills! muhahaa! and so was i! the only girl left standing 'high' at 6am, with the other 3 semiconscious guys! hahaa!! crowned k-queen! ;)
now i know how to keep myself awake thru da night during snco!!
random pics:
my beloved gang who i held onto thru my yrs in jc.

then da flash on my cam went off..
i'm so gona miss u guys! whrs zy?!

of coz w lots of other guys too! but iya, KP u're jus so lucky i choose to post urs here! haha!