now dat my comp is fixed! gosh! im giving myself reasons (or excuse u call it) to online! haa. and there it goes for an hour! no more! yea.
3 more papers to go. and its willbe da beginning of my life! wahaha!!
i hope i can get a better grip on it this time.. unlike wad ive done after olevel 2yrs back! wad a wasted break i came to think.
ahh. suddenly thought of sharing my sis's miracle on my blog.
she was SUPPOSED to undergo thyroid operation 2weeks back, to remove the 3-4 tumours. and guess wad!! she laid on da surgery bed, with dripping on.. and the doc examined her neck (where da thyriods at). the doc realised da tumours dimished!! (just by pressing her neck) and voala!! "u dun hav to operate!" the doc said to my sis! "waddaaa.. f!" i said.
sounds lk a joke right! (but its true) and she was wheeled out of the operationthreatre. with no scar. no needles. no blood. no op! (if i were her i would prob giv da doc a gd hell of scolding.. aweo@#$@kmks!!)
see.. miracles do happen!
although its selective, there's always hope in life. (u nve know if ure da one!)
as long as u believe. u will. someday. somehow. somewhere. somewhat. may miracle falls on u. (on me first! hee!)
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
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