yOz yOz.. HapPy HapPy tOdaY.. cOZ itS RACIAL HARMONY DAY~!!~ HaHa.. well, i wore a Malay kebahya costume borrowed from Fidah tO sch tOday.. heez.. Lots of ppL say it looks like Nuoya (duno how to spell) heeheez.. reaLi??!! haha.. aCtuaLi i also not sUre bahx.. hMm.. actUali doesnt wana wear waN.. cOz oN mOndaY wEnt Fidah's hse wiTh FatmaH.. den alsO seArCh onE 4 mysELf.. haha! thEn i bOught hOme n wEar like bEri weiRd lehx.. so im so troubled.. dont know shld wear or not.. my FamILy tOtaLi nvE giB me sUppoRt.. IM SO SICK ABT THAT!! GueSs waD! My Mom keeP saying 'dont wear lah.. wear sch U better..' My Dad says 'rAinIng u stilL wana wEar.. latEr all wEt.. diff tO waLk sOmemORe..' n the wOrSE is mY SIS!!! blOody heLL.. she said ' U nvE bRing Bag ah.. latEr cOmfiRm lOsS uR hP wan ah.. U alwayz carELeSs.. comfiRm will lOss somEtHg..' !!!!!! AFTER hearing alL thAt.. my goOdneSS! thE xciTeD mOod foR my lASt Yr RaCial HaRmOny cElebRatiOn waS tOtaLLi ErAsED!! all oF thEm pour coLd water on me.. weLL, they R thE wOrsE manx!!! sO yEstERday i aCtuaLi cOmfiRm nOt weaRing le.. bUt Angela, FatmaH, Xia, Jeanie, HweeChin kept asking me to wear.. then..
Finally, tOday mOrnin i woke up.. wOooO rainiNg.. gOOD!! So mY dAd wiLL dRivE mE into the scH.. sOmewhr neAr caNtEEn.. heez.. so no nEEd paiseh walk into sch myself.. thErefOre, i made uP my mind.. WEAR THE COstUme thR.. hhahaa! sO i prEparEd.. decorate myself.. heehee.. wore long EaRingS.. nEcklaCe.. BraCelEt.. n High hEeLs.. haha.. whEn im rEaChing Sch, i caLLed cHin n askEd her tO walk 4 mE at thE drOp-ofF poiNt.. haha! iM so gLab thaT shE waS thR.. i saW hER n hUg heR immEdiateLi.. heeEZ.. I WAS VERY SHY!!! ThEn saW Xia n JEaniE.. haha taLk tAlk Talk.. dEn waITeD fOr AngEla.. of COz aT tHat timE i saW a lot ppl weAr worSe thEn me.. eXample, a qi pao n carry a damn big black school bag.. DUHZ!! hhaha.. of coZ thE heeLs gave me quite a lot of trouble.. i got problem walking fast!!! partli also due to the skirt.. coz it doesnt has a opening to stretch open.. so cannot walk too big steps.. so hav to ACT femine! haha.. walk slow slow.. but of coz.. tt angela n hweechin.. delibrateli walked so fast during recess.. duhz!! thEn kinDa tiRed tOo..coz the hEEls also quite higHx.. n u noe wad.. we had our biO pRacticaL in thE costUme.. wah piAng eh.. i went tO takE thE hOt watEr.. i so scArE i tRiP ah!! haha! ThEn..
mY nighTmarE cAmE.. ASSEMBLY TIME!~ shit! how m i going to sit down?! haha!! lOtz of thEm keep Saying my skiRt wilL tEar.. argGG! haha.. in thE end.. me and Si Yi sat down.. with difficulties!!! haha.. so funny lohx.. den suay! muz stand again to say the hormony creed.. duhz! once again, sat down with difficulties! haha! thE aCt waS quitE intEReSting n nicE.. jUz tT.. BUTT PAIN AH! haha..
O yAhx, in claSs.. wE tOOk lOtz oF piCtuREs.. wiTh FAtmah's cAmEra n Vernise's digi Cam.. all the girls who wore sat at the staircase n took.. den some of us with guys outside 4e2 classrm took again.. n the funny thg is suddenli the 4e4 guys also join in.. w/o we asking.. haha.. nvm funny too~ den outside our class room also took some.. anyhow grab ppl n say 'take togther leh, take take' haha! suddenly our class like quite close ah.. hmm den we also took one class photo.. when we all stand infront of the whiteboard.. the sad thg is that Vernise doesnt wana take.. so she was the camera girl..
AfTer sCh.. wEnt tO Long John fOr brEaklUnCh.. so paiSeh!!! walked in and lotz of ppl eyes on us!! duhz.. i SHY ah!!! haha.. then went to Metro to look for _ _ _ for someone. haha!! =x finally she bought 2 pieces at $10 only.. cheap cheap.. o yah.. den my mom came.. i saw this skirt damn nice n i asked her to buy 4 me.. haha! yeah~ i got a new skirt.. Joanna n Angela were so xcited looking for a top for me to fit. hahaa! well, have enough fun at the changing room den went home after buyin the skirt.. heEz.. thEn,
Im hEre poSting.. i haD a WondERfuL RaCiaL hArmOny day! i REali trEasurE thiS peAce n UnitY we haVe.. iM gLab thAt i havE vEry gd fRenZ frOm othER rAcEs likE Fatmah, LeLa, Fidah.. grEat! and of COz thiS is the first timE i wore a costume to sch.. so im very delighted.. thanks ppL~ LovE ya!~
Thursday, July 22, 2004
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what's right or wrong
it felt so real. for the first time after so long. the signs were real, the feelings were real. the kisses were real. was it the right thing...
ha! i didnt expect myself, so soon, to be greeted " Ms Tan " by classes of students! a fantastic experience that i will always kee...
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it felt so real. for the first time after so long. the signs were real, the feelings were real. the kisses were real. was it the right thing...