Sheares Production 07/08- The Wind in the Willows @University Cultural Centre (UCC)

has it not for ernest who took me into the subcom, i would probably not survive the whole 3 days of shows. honestly, i dont feel attach to sp at all. im just glad that its all over. and i feel good to meet edwin sheares personally! thats unbelievable. i didnt know he exists! he's the real mr sheares. =) im sure he's proud of how well sheares hall is doing now!
just placed all my vday flowers into the bin. that is quite disheartening for me.
despite trying hard to plant them still, providing sunlight water carbon dioxide and my love, its not enough to keep them going.
the weird thing is, i know they wont live the way i want them to, but i did it anyway.maybe they are meant to be short-lived. only then, people appreciate them more.