i find it especially thoughtful of 2 guys to call me! haa. my secondary friends! thank u!
oh. and one that just wished me on msn! haa. so nice to wait till exactly 12am to be the last to wish me. "no pple wan to be last ..so i take it ... at least i can be the one" oh god. im touched. =) thank you guys!
Honestly i wanted a silent bday this yr. since my parents going for some oldies musical and my sis is definitely out for mahjong. so it will be nice to just stay at home and lately i have been feeling rather reserved. haa.
anyway, guess my dad was remorseful for not being at home for my bday, he brought my mum and i to the kranji turf club!

look! im excited!!
im 18!! haa. no im 19 already!! my first time into turf club!
its the first singapore race in this lunar new year!
ha. wadever! the main point is, its my first visit!

at the lower grandstand.
look! im standing right infront where the horses ran passed me and towards the end!! wohoo!
the uncles there will only start shouting when its nearing the end. its fun lah! haa. i get very excited too!
oh! the first horse i chose was a no.5 horse called cabana. it turned up 3rd! =)
ok. see the white horse and a man in red on it? dad said its the lead horse. the white horse will lead the horses into the racing area. the other black horses will some sort of respect and follow these white horses!
so cool! i wanted to take picture with them! but haa. i doubt its allowed. so i took these pics off from my hp.
so like i said. im the master of surprise! haa. chin's and angela's plan was foiled. i discovered. ha.
thanks for coming though.
just nice. the end.