thanks for the gifts, smses, sweet msges and treat that i've gotten today!
gotten a comfortable bolster, 2 lovely cushion flowers, 2 necklaces (how u guys know tt im lack of necklace?! haha), pizza, durian, curry treat! wohoo!!
ya. its far lesser than what i've gotten a few years back but im satisfied! haha. i believe i've matured a lot since J1. started to think and look at things from different perspections. tend to be less materialistic. and be more ladylike! haha. that's good!
came home after lunch treat and my ELDER sis played with my bolster. it looks like this!

she said "oh! so soft, and can draw!! dark pink light pink dark.. light..." and there, she designed this!! Smiley Bear!
"hahahaa!" she goes. and "hey! another one!! hehee, Evil Laugh Bear!" ...
Then she cant stand my (-_-") face, she said "ok larh! i'll draw a nicer mouth for the bear!" and there she goes.. and it turns out to be this!
hahahaahaa.. looks like the taiwanese "pretty" lady call 'ru hua' (meaning like a flower!) right!! hahaa!! so creative?
ok! that's for laugh! its dinner time! oh, and i bought myself a the tiramisu! hee! =)
wishes wishes wishes..
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