hEy.. guess wad! i received a YELLOW FORM from miss low today.. well, i suspect it is issued by that bloody EeEe~ On the top right hand corner is the word 'defiance'.. hmm.. i heard from SiYi.. Chong Xun.. Kenneth that this form is a some sort of a statement of the offences i hav made. It will be keyed into my data in the computer. It will be a black mark for me.. even when im out to look for job.. they will also know about me being defiant.. but.. the problem is.. I DID NOT DEFY EEEEEE ANYTHING WAD!! She herself, didnt mention wad manner means prepared to go home.. so i stood up lah.. cannot meh?! standing up also shows that i want to go home right.. arggG!! okiex.. so on this form.. im supposed to write a statement.. to defence myself of wad reali happened that day.. I m kinda pissed off with the form.. why if she thinks that im wrong... i will be pinned down by this form.. n when its her fault.. she gets nothing!!! no punishment.. no action taken.. n can happily go around the sch telling them lies!! (Exp. telling her class that 4E1 is noiser than them.) She is such a pain!!
Jianli got the form too.. for his is shouting.. well.. we went to asked Ms Low about it. She said that the form will not be submitted so soon.. the teachers involved (Ms Low, Mr Singh, Ms EEEEEEEE, Mdm Yasmin) will go thru' it n decide if to submit it or not. hmMm.. okiex, so i hav to write to defend myself..
After infocus, Jianli n me went to the office to look for Mr Hafiz.. he's on our side.. he also made fun of EEEE's name.. haha! so funny!! Mr Hafiz told us that the Sec1 pupils are writing a petition to send this EEE off.. see?! this proves that we r right.. =) okiex, Mr Hafiz was angry that we got the yellow form. He wanted to speak to Micheal toh about it.. but i told him that it is not comfirm to be submitted. Therefore, he said if it is to be submit, inform him and he will talk to Micheal Toh for us.. =) so nice to have a teacher on ur side.
So.. i reached home.. bathed.. on my comp.. and started writing this 'composition'.. sick man!!! IM NOT WRONG!!! arggGG..!!! The statement is about 4pages long.. n it is a summaried one.. haha! i guess i missed out some points too.. too mani manx.. how to recall all? =P i started writing at 5.30pm n ended at 7.30pm. TIRED SEH>>>!! my last few lines are "If she is persistent about this matter, i will not give in too. The truth will be revealed soon!" haah!! not bad right?! hehezz.. okiex.. juz let u hav a look at the yellow form n full scape papers i hav written on. =)
HAHAa.. wana fight with me?! arguE wiTh mE?! win mE?! dOnt takE ur TeachEr posting to talk to me lah.. i m a fair person! i will speak justice with u.. =)
okiex, im tired.. tired of writing letter n typing.. cya!
Thursday, August 05, 2004
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what's right or wrong
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