im still in the 'camp' mood. yea. always misses a camp so much.
how i wish there will be 10days 9nights camp. =)
alright. it depends on who u camp with and what camp is it too.
hmm. its been a busy week. having loads of makeup lectures. sick.
oh, had a bbq on tuedays, with my st john pals again!
went to whitesandS at about 9+.
there's this incident that really surprises me:
chin and nana went to the toilet on first floor while gela and me decided to go up to the mac (2nd floor) first then use the mac's toilet.
however, the mac's toilet wasn't there. haha, i mean changed to staffroom instead.
so both of us went out of mac (still on the 2nd floor), and walk towards the toilet in the mall.
then i saw chin n nana coming up the escalator and i told gela "wah. we really have no fate. as though in drama series whereby both parties pass by each other w/o realising it!".
we laughed and went to the toilet. and guess wad when i walked out of the cubicle!
chin and nana were in the toilet too!!! i was stunned.
the toilets on the first floor were cleaning. so they have to use the 2nd floor's toilet!
omg. this is what i call FATE! i was totally speechless. surprised.
there will always be ways where TRUE FRIENDS meet again! i believe =)
finish reading? haha! great! hee.
oh, going marina south tomorrow for steamboat with them again!
yipee! gona love it again! =)
someone in my class going to australia soon. oh, gona miss her!! yipin!! =P
she's a froglover too! hee. she made us somethg today - chocolate strawberries & plastic hp chain.
she drew on a piece of big plastic then put it in the oven for it to shrink. then add the hp chain in. im so touched! so sweet~ its beautiful with my name n a frog picture on it! haha.

i showed it to my dad and he doesnt believe that the plastic will shrink with the words and the plastic strip so nicely intact! so i wanted to test n prove it to him.
i used the transparent plastic cover of my file and placed it in the oven. haha! guess wad!
black fumes and smelly poisonous gas produced!! omg! puking man. digusting!!
haha. yea, my attempt failed! hahaa. got further nagging from him somemore!! =well. gona try again one day! its really nice.. hee.
ok. lastly, bestest luck to all my friends in poly! enjoying ur new life, yea?
im emotional. can't help it. =)
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