Tuesday, February 28, 2006
then they tried to irritate me by singing the same lee hom's song for 3 times!!! oh my. vaness looks handsome in the mtv though. hahaa! and so sickening!! couldnt let me sing my 183 and willium so's songs!! duhhh.. anyway, becoz of my $25 voucher (from my aunt), each of us only pay $13.60 for 5hrs ok!!! nve thank me yet pissed me.. wadeva.
after that, so happy to meet angela for dinner. then we shopped ard tamp for my present. haha! chose 2 tops @ really cheap price. thanks ppl. then all of us bought something. so thirty after shopping, we went mac for drinks! then i told them about the C and R in my sch. hahaa!! all the "fox's tail hair, 10cm hairclip, constant blinking, 'boi boi', unbuttoning her top, winking.. etc!!" omg!! they're making me puke man! but anyway, we laughed our butts out even though this is nt the 1st time im toking abt it. evil right? haha! fun larh! seriously!!
till 1130 then we left home. so when will the be the next time we meet up again?
miss fat!!
enjoy yr hols ppl! =)
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
my bday 2nd part!
angela, hweechin, joanna (includes van and grace but did not turn up) came over my house @ 7pm yesterday! its a bday surprise! hahaa. i was more of shocked! they organised on fri and contacted my mother. so yesterday she actually cooks mee hoon and curry (which she seldom does)!! even that, seriously i didnt suspect a thing!! and my dad came home w/o a cake. (he usually buys one for our bday) haha! so i thought he might ask me if i want.. but he didnt.. and i was thinking "hmm.. nvemind larh, luckily i bought myself a small tiramisu ($3.20)! haha"
oh man.. and right before they 'appear', my sis shouted "hey! who's coming to celeb ur bday?" i was confused. "nobody wad! who who" then they kept quiet....... and minutes later, a missed call! so i called bak hweechin. "oh.. no larh.. im on my way to get sumthg from fren mah.. so call u lorh.." (wad a lie!!) hahaa.. then after awhile, BOOO! they're heard (they are loud people!) hahaa! and my heart dropped out! haha "haiyo.. haiyo..." i went.. =x
thanks guy! i really got tricked!! nice one!!
then took pics of the cake that they've bought, with mine!! haha!

oh yarh, when i was making wishes, the happy birthday words got burnt!! hahaa! wad da.. well, of course i kept that!
Alright, then took pics with them.. my cliques!
oh, just checked a mail and saw an email bday card sent by ms leo!! oh man.. she's so sweet!!! sent me sms bday wishes too!!! actually this is all that i expect for this yr's bday. (some msges, smses) haha so unlike me! somethings wrong..
oh, and the sat gathering is fake!!! wad da... im still looking forward to it! hahaa.. but in the end i insist i want it larh! muhaha.. yea! go k box!! yearning to sing..
Thanks everyone for wad u've done!
thanks for the gifts, smses, sweet msges and treat that i've gotten today!
gotten a comfortable bolster, 2 lovely cushion flowers, 2 necklaces (how u guys know tt im lack of necklace?! haha), pizza, durian, curry treat! wohoo!!
ya. its far lesser than what i've gotten a few years back but im satisfied! haha. i believe i've matured a lot since J1. started to think and look at things from different perspections. tend to be less materialistic. and be more ladylike! haha. that's good!
came home after lunch treat and my ELDER sis played with my bolster. it looks like this!

she said "oh! so soft, and can draw!! dark pink light pink dark.. light..." and there, she designed this!! Smiley Bear!
"hahahaa!" she goes. and "hey! another one!! hehee, Evil Laugh Bear!" ...
Then she cant stand my (-_-") face, she said "ok larh! i'll draw a nicer mouth for the bear!" and there she goes.. and it turns out to be this!
hahahaahaa.. looks like the taiwanese "pretty" lady call 'ru hua' (meaning like a flower!) right!! hahaa!! so creative?
ok! that's for laugh! its dinner time! oh, and i bought myself a the tiramisu! hee! =)
wishes wishes wishes..
Monday, February 20, 2006
jianhong's leave.
saw van's leave application and decided to sign one too! that decision was spontaneous. no calculations or thinking twice was needed!
well. i went back tpss on friday reluctantly after sch. i was so un-eager to go and actually went to the toilet and waste some time there tieing up my hair neatly. then dragged my feets there very slowly. missing a few buses.
when i reached there, the feeling was complicating, confusing. i feel like i got no one, nothing to look forward to in the st john room (its where i'll first approach when i stepped into the sch). There is also no fun waiting for me. it was just so negative.
just as i thought, i feel so uncomfortable. even though fai, les, jz, xh were there.
im someone who needs friends to live. if u think im very dependent. that's true. i put my true friends on top of anyone (even family or myself). i admit that i continued my st john journey because of them as well. however, now that i dont see them coming for it (due to schwork and complicatedness of sj management), i choose to leave too. if i continue with this terrible feeling that i'm having, i might just hate sj one day. rather. if i take a break now, at least, i believe the next time im back for sj, i'll feel better and have more faith in it. its obviously time for me to hand over to my successors to do most of the jobs. and also, once a levels is over, perhaps my cliques will hav more time for sj too!
like i say, love those sj freaks! dinner with them at sakura was fantastic!! (joanna, chin, grace & van! too bad gela couldnt make it. if not, it'll be perfect!) not that the food was great, but the atmosphere was!! the laughters, gossips brought me back to my comfortest zone. that's why im so engross with sj. its bcoz of these mad ppl that i've met! (includes fat too!) haha.
alright. now i've friday all for school! hahaa!
and meeting u guys next sat yea!!
its the meetings/gatherings that i want! not sj.
=) well, of course, life in sj will be even worse w/o xh's batch & farhah's batch! love these ppl too!
stay committed though! but passionless.
oh no. just as i hate my birthday to arrive, my cousin's leaving for sydney again tonight (or tml's morning). hai. will only get to see him a year's time. sending him off at T2 later. he will definitely appear strong. but its tough. really tough to leave yr family friends country home. i hope he'll get on with his life there as soon as he reaches sydney's airport! goodluck!
Friday, February 17, 2006
tml's fri
she was so pissed with s21 (the class she teaches before ours), and when we came into the class, her face was black. to add on, she's sick. she went over to the window, stood thr for some time, then she tried to smile and say "good afternoon class". great effort.
then she went over to the door, stood there again (backfaced us), wiped her (i couldnt see, tears i suspect?) then act like nothing happens. i look into her eyes, then she says "eh? not crying. im just not feeling good." then she carried on saying "i feel so stress to teach ur class after s21" (because we're just too nice and she can't vent her anger on us) hahaa! yea. like wad charis says "our class knows when to talk, and when to stop." thats very true!
last wk, mrs neo also said she likes our class. we can joke with each other. "especially ka-lib (which is supposed to be pronounced as caleb)!" hahaa!! mispronounced. and she sustantiate with her reason (more like an excuse though haha) "whenever i say his name too quickly, it turns out to be ka lib." hahaa! is there such thing? mispronounce becoz u didnt think hard? funny man!
well. i loved these two tutors (chem & maths). of course, not forgetting another favourite of mine, ms leo! (bio). when ms leo laughs, she goes "hahaha" in a rather high pitch. hahaha!! and i can feel that she's really laughing genuinely! (that's bcoz she's usually serious when she's teaching) hahaa! cute!
tml's there a bom (board of management aka graduates of tpsjab) dinner at sakura. was actually looking forward to it since cny! (cause it was supposed to be on the first wk) but not anymore. worse still, bio spa on mond. was a day. will all of them turn up? joanna? angela? hweechin? van? grace? (my batch)
i treasure the feeling of awaiting my bday to arrive. but when its approaching, (nearer & nearer) im scared. i'll have to wait for another year to have that feeling again! and when its over, (next day onwards) everything is over..
will never forget the celebration i had4yrs ago. haha! that's long. but sweet memories. with my 2e3 gang! =)
bio spa skills C D
Table Sources of error
Calculations Limitations of measurement
Graph Limitations of procedure
Trend Improvements
Thursday, February 16, 2006
recalled secondary's school ones - many classes set up stores to sell flowers, cookies, chocolates etc as their cip. canteen full of people selling and buying flowers. but i seen none in tpjc. the classes also had delivery services to help sent flowers to secret lover. and i remembered angela and me got a lot in 4e1! haha. because they were all from our beloved friends like xr, wk, jes, nie, xia.. so sweet! i always make use of this service to send gifts to justin toh! hee. however, i've seen none here.
well. my class was rather 'low' yesterday. ms lee and ms leo said "i thought im going to see lots of flowers in this class!" (meaning theres none). luckily it was a short day. haha. anyway, loads of thanks to jasp, junlong, ziyang for yr chocolates. thanks to nadia for the cookies, zhengyi for the china gift and kenneth for the bracelet!
didnt had time to prepare any gifts as i was focusin on chem spa (a level sci pract accessm) which is on today. yea, a level exam the day after valentines. wet blanket. worse still, another one for bio on my birthday! well, i really dont wish anyone to spend time on my bday though. get over with our exams first. this is the 1st time tt so many examinations going on on my bday!! (it used to be just a normal day of term 1) there's polys yr1 final examinations & bio spa!! wish u guys the best man!!
so many people are pissing me off. in sj i mean. people that are incompetent! stop wadeva u're doing! and get loss! and to those capable ones, u're the useful loads, do stay!!!
if only i can control peoples mind..
did he hav a wonderful valentines day..
no.. he's a dead person too..
Monday, February 13, 2006
last day of newyr.
my sec1 cliques all gathered at weichong's house for steamboat! though it was a little disappointing without angela and qiuxia, the rest, jeanie, jeslyn, weibin, xuanrong, weekeat & sheldon made my night! it feels so great to see them and be with them again! just like 6yrs ago..
we joked jeslyn. laughed at weichong & weibin. kp about xuanrong. gambled. watched taiwanese show. soccer matches..
perhaps no1 realised that my birthday is approaching. but seriously, i feel so wonderful. thank you guys. for giving me such memorable night. its already a gift.
left wc's house with jeanie at 230am. haha! late? if not for my family gathering this afternoon. i probably would just stayed till morning. reached home and slept at 330am. that's late. but was still msging charis! haha. she has lots to ask about organic chem's rxns.
oh yah. on fri, went to collect junlong's bday badminton racket with the rest. glab that he likes it. or not? haha. he didnt give much expressions for me to tell. i hope he likes it! its from all of us!
after that, went back to tpss awhile to collect olevel results! not mine of course. my friend and juniors! guess they did fairly well. left with only 3more days to submit application for courses/schools.. this almost drive me real nutz last year. couldnt decide between tpjc, mjc or business admin. phew, i made the right choice afterall. haha.
went to meet qiuxia tt afternoon. she has changed. became quieter. or am i noisier? hmm. i guess everyone's changed. i became cheerful-er! hahaa. jcs friends are just so lucky. if they see my usual blackface. woo. scare them all off. haha! guess i learnt how to take life easily. lighten my weight.
after that, went bak to tpss again at 6pm. haha. im a sicko. well to accompany hweechin. yea yea. then went for movie 'fun with dick&jane'. in my opinion, its not worth watching. not as hilarious as i thought, since its jim carrey. or perhaps its just my mood. i wasnt in the right mood that time. was suddenly overwhelmed with sadness and disappointment when i re-entered tpss that day. sj's killing me. i love the people i made there. but i really hate to work there, with them.
knowing that more & more people wanting to quit sj just make me feel terrible. come to think, angela is right!
"when one reaches the top, he has nowhere to go but off, or go downwards." its true. just like how i wish my superiors are gone.
if i quit sj, will i lose the connection with my friends there? because i made really great ones. that's worrying me.
wadeva it is, my life still goes on. even like i dislike today's family gathering. i still've to smile. tough at first. but it gets use to it. then its good for both parties, for unaffecting their mood, and making my life better. perhaps u should too.
happy new year all! the year never ends! =)
what's right or wrong
it felt so real. for the first time after so long. the signs were real, the feelings were real. the kisses were real. was it the right thing...
ha! i didnt expect myself, so soon, to be greeted " Ms Tan " by classes of students! a fantastic experience that i will always kee...
a wish not to happen. just how much do you know. about feeling miserable. when the comfort no longer there,
it felt so real. for the first time after so long. the signs were real, the feelings were real. the kisses were real. was it the right thing...