omg. now that im online, i forgot what i have in mind to blog!
ok, first of all, elections coming up! wohoo! this year's election seems to be really interesting! with many opposition parties stepping up! we've SDP, SDA, WP.. so who will you vote? haha! that's out of the question.. im still underage! but somehow, this year's election caught my attention! and im reading up news on the MPs who are contesting in my town's GRC. hahaha. oh, and today is the first day where rallies begin!! yea man! im going down to listen!! and will they speak like caleb? muhahaa!!!
school is fun! you know, lessons with mrs neo, ms lee, ms leo are really engaging and inspiring! solving questions, explaining concepts even going through gp lessons becomes a breeze now! =)
first aid society is killing me!!! so many events coming up that require medics!! we've sportsday next friday, seasports heats the following monday, then the actual seasports carnival another week! omg! i hate duties!! i never like it! so what if i help the casualty to clean his wound?! i dont feel as appreciated and rewarding as to give up my seat on the bus to an auntie!!! even after reading, memorising theories of first aid, wad matters most is still the practical part! locating the casualty to a shady area may be something that u tend to even forget! first aid society is supposed to render services to the school, worse still, when u're doing your duty, the teachers (and not students!) will crowd around you and check if you're doing the correct thing!! for that, i mean staring at you (and not the casaulty) and continuously criticising/commenting on what you're doing!! worse of the worse, "are you sure what you doing is right?" they will ask!! F off man!! if you're so good, why dont u do it!! that's why i really hate duties. especially the ones in my school! see, even before the events start, im anticipating for the worse to happen.
im just going to get people to do the duties instead, since im a little haemophobic! haha!
angela's birthday celebration went well! haha my trick works brilliantly ok! smart! hahaa! surprise!! of course, with a little wit of hweechin's to piece everything nicely! hahaa. since 'shi ba di gu nian yi duo hua' (18yrs old girls are as pretty like flowers), we're all hua (flower) already! muhahaa! oppss!! one more to bloom.. hweechin! quick! LOL! =x
well, i was telling them, i couldnt take surprises man! i was tramatised by what they've actually planned for me! haha! sorry for saying that. but its true! my goodness!! no mental preparedness can kill me man! i'll faint! hahaa.. so i was telling hweechin "buy me a little meaningful storybook for my bday next time!" hahaa! or somethg like wad fat made for me!! i think it tells a thousand stories. ok. so surprise = shock = tramatise and leads to death. hahaa.
came across this, "ur own capabilities are dependent on others". well, if you've done ur best for an exam for example, then the rest is all up to how well ur mates do! haha. apparently it sounds right. but dont forget.. ur friends capabilities are dependent on urs too!!! so moral of the story is, JUST DO WELL! defeat urself and not others! u know, u know.
Friday, April 28, 2006
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what's right or wrong
it felt so real. for the first time after so long. the signs were real, the feelings were real. the kisses were real. was it the right thing...
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it felt so real. for the first time after so long. the signs were real, the feelings were real. the kisses were real. was it the right thing...
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