Ms Leo makes Bio interesting..

Ms Lee makes Chem easy..

Mrs Neo makes maths fun!
never had i have such a wonderful teachers' day before. haha. i believe all the teachers had fun too!
running around college taking funky photos with teachers and even our principal! woo. never expect her to be so amiable and motherly! hahaa.
it was still interesting to watch teachers performing. there were dances and songs.. its like the other side of teachers.
never expect jc's teachers day to be so fun! im so lucky to have really good teachers! like Mrs Liew, Mdm Ho, Mdm Zarinah, Mr Toh, Mr Hafiz ... they are not only patient and easy going, they are teachers who can really teach. u know, some teachers just cant. hee.
the only disappointment i have is definitely not being able to be back at tpss for justin toh! gosh. i hope he did think of me somehow. hahaa. for the fact that ive nve miss to wish him on teachers day for the past 5yrs! only till now. ugh! gotta make up for it.. haha! fortunately snco camp is in tpss! yea. so most prob i get to meet him in school then! =)
ok. so theres absolutely no reason for me to quit snco! coz i just wish its tmr.. ive so much to do! hahaa.. stjohn ppl always complain they have so much to do, but we always find joy in doing them! =)
maybe one day i can become a good teacher too. hmm..
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