Wednesday, February 28, 2007
the end of feb
"Eau natural is a turn-on" - mind your body (the straits times)
Eau refers to water. natural water that can outsell high-end branded perfumes!
"women can be sexually aroused and their moods greatly improved by sniffing male sweat!" haa. incredible right!
"androstadienone is a derivative of testosterone that is found in male sweat and other body secretions."Sniffing androstadienone can stimulate the secretion of cortisol by the body to "help maintain proper arousal and sense of well-being, respond to stress and other functions."
haa. i was on the train and i tried hard to hold my laughters! its highly questionable! and i just realised ive not been visiting gym for quite some time!
but well, it depends on which male's sweat right! haa. i can visualise a few macho hunks already! haa! anyway, i just cant erase the thought of one incident when i was a sec2 cadet in stjohn! oh no. i fall-in beside this guy for speechday parade, and the odour was.. marvelous! i suffocated. xp
oh yah. and there was a day, my squadmate bought him a body odourant!! or did chin took it instead? haa! cant really remember the details! but it was hilarious!
ah. just feel like turning back the time, to when i was sec2! its the best time in stjohn! trained hard for jnco, fac, speechday goh.. away from politics, indulge in officers favours, create all forms of prejudicing.. ahh. childish in a way. amusing in another.
Friday, February 23, 2007
whats left behind
there is no work or job that u'll forever love to do. in fact, what makes u stay on to work on it, is the environment.
environment involves the people around you. if you're happy with them. they become your motivation that help to generate your interest in work everyday! of course, vice versa can happen which u need to avert from to keep yourself in the correct mental state (to work).
all in all, relationship is a point of paramount significance.
its beyond words for me to express my gratitude and appreciation to those who actually remember my bday. u know it warms my heart so so so so.. much to receive email bday card. call. msn prompt. sms. its late but better den never that i realised these people care. u guys made me care a lot for u too. and i really hope u guys are doing very very well in life. most of them are my secondary school mates. thank u even though if u get to know my bday through friendster or bday calenders. haa. its the thought that counts.
which proves to me that your genuine thoughts are more precious that your physical presence.
sometimes, feeling it is much better than seeing it.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
20 02 2007
i find it especially thoughtful of 2 guys to call me! haa. my secondary friends! thank u!
oh. and one that just wished me on msn! haa. so nice to wait till exactly 12am to be the last to wish me. "no pple wan to be last i take it ... at least i can be the one" oh god. im touched. =) thank you guys!
Honestly i wanted a silent bday this yr. since my parents going for some oldies musical and my sis is definitely out for mahjong. so it will be nice to just stay at home and lately i have been feeling rather reserved. haa.
anyway, guess my dad was remorseful for not being at home for my bday, he brought my mum and i to the kranji turf club!

look! im excited!!
im 18!! haa. no im 19 already!! my first time into turf club!
its the first singapore race in this lunar new year!
ha. wadever! the main point is, its my first visit!

at the lower grandstand.
look! im standing right infront where the horses ran passed me and towards the end!! wohoo!
the uncles there will only start shouting when its nearing the end. its fun lah! haa. i get very excited too!
oh! the first horse i chose was a no.5 horse called cabana. it turned up 3rd! =)
ok. see the white horse and a man in red on it? dad said its the lead horse. the white horse will lead the horses into the racing area. the other black horses will some sort of respect and follow these white horses!
so cool! i wanted to take picture with them! but haa. i doubt its allowed. so i took these pics off from my hp.
so like i said. im the master of surprise! haa. chin's and angela's plan was foiled. i discovered. ha.
thanks for coming though.
just nice. the end.
Monday, February 19, 2007
lunar new year!
anyway, is there such a phrase? heard of xmas bells so i guess there is! haa.
if my grandparents or even greatgrandparents are still around, they'll definitely be glad that ourextended family is so united.
i just love the sight where most of my aunts (including my mum) are helping out at the kitchen.
the scene made me feel warm all over.
sentosa flowers!

my animal!

ahh.. i see!
reunion dinner again after i blogged! same people but i love them all! so much better den "the other side".
yea. my birthday bells are ringing too! hee!
whats meant to be and whats not?
Saturday, February 17, 2007
my thoughts and feels
i tried to ignore. or be an angel. but failed.
the sight makes my blood boil.
im sure she is mad too. or they. maybe not mad at me.
but i just felt weird.
in fact, i find it ultra hilarious too.
when it comes to $$, almost everyone turned up.
must it be made so obvious. and direct.
dont you think its pointless and hypocritical of you to show kindness only when the person is gone.
im talking about humanity. its ugly.
uve successfully made me given up on this relationship.
a blood related one.
working has been getting better and better each day.
my sups are considerate and understanding. my colleagues are sociable and friendly.
meeting mrs neo tonight has brighten me up so much.
she's as usual so bubbly.
and its so nice to hear her stories on her twin daughters.
like wad she adviced us too.
"wait first and the right man will come."
went ang mo kio hub today. visited the fairprice xtra.
its pretty much a place where u might see me thr once in couple of years.
thats too far frm my place and i can get lost!
fortunately, learning english has helped me to figure my way out.
to make up all the sins ive done today, (well, i think its sinful cause maybe i was too harsh on them) i met up with mummy at tm again at 930pm and treated her the best i can.
and we visited tampines ntuc fairprice!
ha. which i felt its equally gd as the xtra. (its name sounds more like 'more than necessary' than 'extraordinary')
my heart's crashed. im figuring out how to divide it in the most correct and rightful way.
i need advice. in my dreams.
Saturday, February 10, 2007
make it fun pls
wohoo! dont know why but ive this steamboat craving since last month. maybe because the weather was bad, and it feels great to eat steaming boat!
though the wait was long, but well, worth it larh. with the damn hot chilli soup! free flow drinks, food.. ohh.. and of course, newly created steamed luncheon meat!! haa. its damn funny when it floats in the soup k! have u seen one before? ha! boil luncheon meat!! hahahaa..
the bloody prawns kept sticking to my ladle! and many many soft-slimy-squashy-ugly toufu and tougan in the soup.. euu..
oh! and its amazing to see a big big hot air balloon infront of u right! there's this damn big hot air balloon at bugis lah.. does it rise even if nobody's on it? hmm.
it seems like a different story when i experience it myself.
am i wrong? i dont know who to believe. not even myself. it would be good if the same thing doesnt surface anymore.. but it has.
ive been stoning so much these days becoz my mind is so preoccupied.
maybe the way to sort things out is not to think about it at all. it has been ongoing for so long that im sick of it.
i just wish this yr's activities will be smooth sailing for all.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
all that talkings laughings chatting eating scolding gossiping were so fun! hahaa! you need some skills to do it though.
went to novena for dinner. its a hidden-in-a-corner suki restuarant.
had this ugly grilled octopus in my stomach during dinner! oh god. i had a hard time swallowing! its as bad as eating all the digusting scary looking tou-fu tou-pok tou-gua! eekk.
if only the night is still young, i can still hav fun with them! thanks you guys! for making my day so nice!
a gdnite sleep for sure.. ;)
Thursday, February 01, 2007
last day of jan..
im employed!!! weee!!! hhaahaa..
thanks to Mr Kin Wong from recruit xpress! well, actually he is angela's agent and i find him so efficient so i called him too! and guess wad! within a day, he got me a job!
its gona be admin assistant under cpf board.
office hour from 830 till 6! monday to friday! quite tiring but i sincerely hope that st john can give me a break on saturday as well! hahaa.. that is unlikely to happen.
anyway, tomorrow is my first day at work! and its 1st of Feb! that marks the 1mth anniversary for my job hunting! muhahaa!! i cant believe it!
so ive been through 16 interviews excluding those with agencies. and in the end, my job doesnt require any interview! they just approve and i can turn up for work the next day. damn it right!!
but im sure february is gona be a better month for me! because my birthday is coming!! hahaa.. and if i work on my bday, it would be 2x of the basic pay! hmm..
job hunting havent been easy for me. its an experience that ive taken a lot from. well, from dont-dare-to-call the no.s on the straits times, to call-until-i-speak-better-than-the-operator!! hahaa.. can u believe ive been to golden mile complex alone for interview??!! walking into an old building and taking lift with lots of bangalahs! omg..
hahaa. may your everyday be better than your yesterday!=)
kenz- yarh i read yr blog. i can sympathise you. it will get better! anyway how long is your contract?
siauling- hey! you can cheer for me liao. this time its employed! haa. haiya, my dad. well, as long as i dont complain so much about sj, they'll let me con't. so it sorts of depend on my mouth?
johnson- hey boy! thank you so much k! you jia you for your exams too! any qns regarding your studies can ask me too! i can tutor you, for free!! hee! =)
what's right or wrong
it felt so real. for the first time after so long. the signs were real, the feelings were real. the kisses were real. was it the right thing...
ha! i didnt expect myself, so soon, to be greeted " Ms Tan " by classes of students! a fantastic experience that i will always kee...
a wish not to happen. just how much do you know. about feeling miserable. when the comfort no longer there,
it felt so real. for the first time after so long. the signs were real, the feelings were real. the kisses were real. was it the right thing...