Thursday, May 11, 2017

you're my everything

time to stop and feel the world with your inner senses
time to know yourself
to give yourself the chance to live the life you want

Its not going to be easy
Its going to be different
walk out and walk far
don't look back

everything will simply fall into place

pray for me
to find me


Κινητοί Τοίχοι - Movable Walls said...

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Unknown said...

Yes, dear.
Jesus is YOUR everything:
1-outta-1 bites-the-dust anyway...
yet, who's IMMORTAL?
the Only One who has any POW!er
in this nefariously wicked world
in which mosta humanity is going down.


'the more you shall honor Me,
the more I shall bless you'
-the Infant Jesus of Prague

what's right or wrong

it felt so real. for the first time after so long. the signs were real, the feelings were real. the kisses were real. was it the right thing...