its a reunion for all of us since we last met during aug, before prelims!
dinner was real good! better den ritz carlton! haa!
after dinner, we went gela's place to play mahjong! omg! its been ages since i last touch mahjong tiles during erm.. chinese newyr? so glad dat da luck came to me.. hee! chin is da overall loser! hahaa..
as usual da damn dog, i mean galgal, scared da hell out of me.. or perhaps i frightened her too! hahaa.. so in da end we stayed over at her place. chatted with angela till 430am then we decide to sleep.. it was so funny when we badmouth chin to test if she's still awake! haha! and obviously, she's in lalaland alrd!
so angela n me indulge in reminiscence.. we talked about our old memories together.. awww.. all da sec2 camp. leadership camp. jncoS. sncoS. dat we've attended.. our really nice tutors in tpss.. ranjit. mdmho. ms moothy. shi laoshi.. indeed, these experiences are memorable..

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