it contains my heart sweat pain love passion..

on leave for 10months and today is da first time wearing my stjohn u again.
someone once told me dat im too rigid and refuse to accept changes. gets irritated also because of da new management. well. i guess i cant deny it. snco always proves me dat.
a bad day. mood spoiled. i nve knew dat i need to withstand the * of some people and nve realise my mental tolerance cannot take them. if i didnt walk off, i would probably explode or burst infront of them. its tough to accept da present scene. seriously there isnt anyone to blame. but i still cant accept da fact dat someone deal with dat in an extremely wrong way which is so unfair to me. somehow im glad dat he has improved and dealed with similar situation in a more suitable way this time. i know i really need to stand strong.

very strong.

practically, nothing interest me more than my own corps training department now. but i need to brainstorm damn lot of things for it. and every generation is different. there's a need to adjust my training schedule or method to suit da new standard.
i had a double blow this morning when mdmsim told me dat justintoh is leaving tpss for sji next year..
have i chosen da wrong dep for s?
or da wrong camp?
maybe im da wrong person.
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